What the hell is a snickerdoodle, some of you may ask. Well, I wish I had a definitive answer or a reason behind the name, but I honestly don’t know. Americans and their sugary treats, ey? The only way I can think to describe it is that it’s kinda like a cookie, but softer and more melt-in-your-mouth and has an ever so slightly cakey texture. It’s delicious, anyhow. The original recipe I followed put caramel in the middle (which looked delicious) but I opted for milky way because I need more of an excuse in my life to eat them. On with the bake…
Ingredients (makes 20-24):
345g plain flour
2tsp cream of tartar
1tsp baking soda (bicarbonate of soda)
1/2tsp salt
1tsp ground cinnamon
230g unsalted butter, melted
200g granulated sugar
70g light brown sugar
1 large egg, room temperature
2tsp vanilla extract
Milky Way bars, I used one full bar (that comes with two bits, if you get me)
For the outside:
50g granulated sugar
1tsp ground cinnamon
How To Do It:
Step One | Toss the flour, cream of tartar, baking soda, cinnamon and salt together in a bowl and set to one side. In a separate medium sized bowl, whisk the melted butter, granulated sugar and brown sugar together until smooth. You have to whisk it otherwise the butter may separate. Then, whisk in the egg and then the vanilla until combined. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix together using a wooden spoon or spatula. The dough will be thick and heavy, yet slightly crumbly. Cover it tightly with cling film and chill in the fridge for at least an hour.
Step Two | Preheat your oven to 350F / 170fan and line two baking trays with parchment paper. Chop up the Milky Way’s into chunks, around 1/2cm in thickness. Remove the dough from the fridge and roll it into balls using around 1.5tbsp of dough per ball (I halved the dough, then twice more and then each chunk should give you three dough balls. Makes it easier!) It may be slightly crumbly, but it should stay in a ball.
Step Three | I’ve included a visual on this above, but tear each dough ball in half and make a thumb print in one of them. Push (slightly) a chunk of Milky Way into the dint you’ve created and put the other half of the dough back on top, roll into a ball once more. Mix the cinnamon and granulated sugar together in a bowl and place the dough ball in there, rolling it around gently so it’s covered evenly and place it on a baking tray. I got 10 on a baking tray, make sure they’re evenly spaced as they expand more than you think!
Step Four | Bake them for 10-11minutes, they will look puffy, soft and underbaked but that’s fine. Remove them and allow to cool in the tray for 15minutes before moving them to a wire rack to cool properly. Be careful when moving them, as they’ll still be a bit warm and can fall in half if you just pick them up from one side. They’ll keep for up to a week if you cover them over.
So there you have it. Soft, doughy, cinnamon-y snickerdoodles. You could stuff them with alternative chocolate, like Mars Bar or keep the caramel (Werthers Originals ones) like the original recipe. Be careful not to over-stuff them or the chocolate may leak out when baking. They’re seriously moreish and delicious though, perfect warmed up with ice cream too. Plus, who doesn’t love vanilla, cinnamon and Milky Way all rolled into one handy little treat? No one, that’s who. If you bake these, or any of my other bakes, let me know!
helen x | twitter | instagram | bloglovin
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