Hello! My hair seems to be the most neglected part of my routine. I’m not sure why but it just seems like so much, well, effort? Having long hair is great and all, but having to look after it is a bit of a pain. So, I’ve narrowed down some of my favourite haircare products for those who are equally as lazy as me!
First, I shampoo my hair with a daily cleansing shampoo, which balances hair and doesn’t strip all the natural oils etc out of my locks. Recently I’ve been opting for Bumble and Bumble Seaweed Shampoo, which is perfect for doing the above. It leaves my hair soft and gives it that light, fresh feeling. If I need to detox my hair, or remove any traces of hair products, then once or twice a week I’ll go for the Bumble and Bumble Sunday Shampoo. It’s such a raved about product in blog world and it does live up to the hype! Just make sure you use a conditioner afterwards, as it can leave hair a little tangled.
Having said that, I’m actually really terrible at using conditioner in the shower, instead opting for a treatment a few times a week or using a leave in conditioner once I’ve towel-dried my hair. If I use a treatment, recently it’s been Dove Hair Therapy Express Treatment Conditioner (another Gh0stparties influenced purchase), which is an intensive conditioner and makes hair soft and smooth.
Outside of the shower, I always go for a mixture of Redken Extreme Anti-Snap Leave-In Treatment and Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Tri-Wheat Leave In Conditioner. They work so well together as the Redken treatment helps with heat defence and protecting the ends of my hair, whereas the Conditioner, well, conditions, and keeps my hair looking healthy (plus it smells lovely!)
Finally, for styling I typically use a spray such as Bumble and Bumble Dryspun Finishing Spray or Tresseme Texture Spray, but Bumble and Bumble Brilliantine has crept its way into my daily routine. I just place a small amount in my palms, rub it together and roughly ruffle it through my hair (especially when it’s curly). It gives more of a slept in look then using a salt based product, but also gives a bit more definition to the hair.
I may or may not have ordered a few more bits from Bumble & Bumble from Escentual when they had their 25% off deal on, so I’ll be sure to share those soon too if I like them! All of these products are perfect for people who don’t want to spend a lot of time on their hair but still want to treat it well, so be sure to check them all out if you’re one of those girls (like me!)
What are you favourite hair products? Any lazy products I should know about?
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