bought and update: manchester trip

i’ve been a bit absent from the blog recently due to being a mixture of uninspired and massively busy. having not posted for a week (i know it’s not that long, really) i have a couple of things to share with you lot.
i went to manchester last weekend with the bf and we had such a good time. on the way there we got upgraded to first class because there was a horrible woman with an equally nasty attitude in our seats. we did lots of shopping and ordered takeaway to the hotel room because the weather was rubbish on the saturday night. i ate so much food in general really, but it was oh so good.
anyways, onto the clothes. i bought all of the above when i was down there. 
01/02: both silk shirts are from zara, they have about a million things in at the moment that i adore but i was trying to be sensible and just bought these two.
03/04: two vintage shirts. everyone needs a good denim one and the checked one is perfect under jumpers.
05: this white jumper from topshop is possibly my favourite. it’s longer in the back and looks amazing with dark purple jeans.
06: so, so happy i found this mint colour jumper in a little boutique, especially as it was only £18! it reminds me of the acne one and i’ve been on the hunt for this shade for about 8 months now.
07/08: this dip dye jumper from topshop is such a lovely colour in person. the polkadot blazer has the most wonderful lapels, i can’t wait until it’s a bit warmer so i can wear it with a buttoned up shirt and leather shorts.