PERSONAL: What This Blog Means To Me

I’ve been blogging for what seems like ages now and it’s been such a huge part of my every day life. I’ve wrote little snippets of appreciation, but I thought it’s about time I sit down and wrote what blogging actually means to me. Prepare yourself, it’s probably gonna get soppy…

A Space I Can Share My Thoughts | I first started this blog as an outlet for my thoughts on fashion and somewhere to share my ramblings. It’s developed into much more than that now, but I’m glad the fundamental idea of it still being that space remains. I love sharing my ideas, reviews and anything that pops into my head with people who like reading it and I would never compromise that.

Somewhere I Can Improve My Skills | If you’ve followed my blog from the beginning, you’ll see how much I’ve improved. Now, that’s not me being arrogant, but my photography, aesthetic and overall presentation was atrocious. I’m surprised I had any readers at all! I love how this blog has given me the excuse to get into photography (which I would never have done), made me develop my design skills, helped to improve my writing (hopefully) and tone of voice.

I Can Interact With Like-Minded People Daily | I don’t need to get overly mushy on all of you, but my readers do mean a lot to me. From people who pop up every once in a while to those who say hey on a daily basis, you’re all awesome and I appreciate the time you’re taking out of your day to read a post or leave a comment. The same goes on Twitter too, you’re the most helpful and friendly bunch of people I’ve ever come across and are proof that the blogging community definitely does still exist (if you mute the bitchy people). I talk to you more than my real life friends now and I’m totally ok with that.

I Can Develop and Reflect | A lot of what I use here, I can also use in my day-to-day job and other aspects of my life. Hell, my blog partly helped me get the job that I have now (and my internship prior to it) so I’m grateful for how much my blog has let me develop. As mentioned above, I appreciate how much I’ve grown in the (almost) three years I’ve been blogging. I think it’s always good to remember the benefits and opportunities you’ve received, and work to make it bigger and better in future.

It Just Makes Me Happy |  As simple as it is, blogging makes me happy. Of course I have those uninspired days or days when I just won’t want to write anything, but ultimately I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t blog. I’m one of those people who can’t just totally switch off in my spare time, so I have to do something and I’m really happy that blogging became that ‘something’. I love everything from testing new products and being excited about a lipstick to figuring out a new way to take photos to hearing your opinions on my posts on social media.

What does your blog mean to you? Remember you can win the rose gold GHD styler and hairdryer in my latest giveaway!

Helen x
Check out these blogs: Adventures of an Anglophile, Sazbomb, A Dash of Ginger and Abracadabra Girl.
