Coat: All Saints | Top: Topshop | Jeans: J Brand | Shoes: Aquazurra | Bag: Phillip Lim | Watch: Michael Kors | Sunglasses: Celine*Behold – an outfit post! Apologies for them being a bit intermittent at the moment, but not having a regular photographer can be a bit of an issue when you run a style blog… However, I have a few as a backup now so fingers crossed you’ll see my awkward posing a bit more in the future.I always feel a bit silly writing the above, but I always feel like I need to apologise especially as I won the Bloggers Blog Awards for Best Longstanding Fashion Blog on Saturday – what a nice surprise! I totally wasn’t expecting it but when I was told I was like eeeek! Thank you very much if you nominated or voted for me, it’s really nice of you and Hayley (who put the whole thing today, well done you) said there was some lovely comments left which I very much appreciate. I know everyone says this, but I never win anything, so getting an award that was put together by bloggers and for bloggers is definitely one to be proud of.
Onto the above, I’m so late to the lace up flat trend (but I’ll do a post on that soon…) and am glad these little beauties are in my life. Similarly with the coat, this All Saints beauty is one I know I’ll be wearing it all A/W long. I mean oversized – check, neutral and wearable – check, skinny arms – check, the perfect length – check = the perfect coat. No doubt you’ll see it quite often over the next few months!
I know it’s Monday and a bit grim out there, but I hope you all have a lovely week!
Helen x
ps. Check out this lovely blog: Carly Wynn!