Three New Lipstick Additions

new-lipstick-charlotte-tilbury-super-cindy-stila-stay-all-day-liquid-lipstick new-lipstick-charlotte-tilbury-super-cindy-stila-stay-all-day-liquid-lipstick-1 new-lipstick-charlotte-tilbury-super-cindy-stila-stay-all-day-liquid-lipstick-2

I don’t think I’ve bought a new lipstick in months. No, I’m not exaggerating, I genuinely haven’t bought any new beauty products in an absolute age. How boring, huh? But, you know when it’s that time of the month and you just need to treat yourself because chocolate just ain’t cuttin’ it, a trip to makeup counters is definitely on the cards! So, that’s what happened. A walk to the post office turned into a detour into Fenwick and Boots and I came home with three new additions to my lipstick collection.

First we have something from Mrs Tilbury’s latest collection, the Charlotte Tilbury Hot Lips Lipstick in Super Cindy. I’ll be honest, I was absolutely dying when I saw the first photos of this collection, but when it arrived on counter (I made a note of the date and everything), I was a bit underwhelmed. Sure, the lipsticks are gorgeous which is to be expected of CT, but none of the shades really wowed me. It was very much the same as every other makeup range in terms of colour, so I just picked up one. Super Cindy is the perfect pinky-peachy-nude and, as I tend to go for more pink instead of peach, one that I could totally justify buying!

Liquid lipsticks are obviously having a moment right now (and have been for the last year or so), but I’m 100% on board with it. The Stila Stay All Day Liquid Lipsticks are so gorgeous that I had to extend my collection by two more. I already have the shade Fiery which is the perfect bold red, but I added Bacca (a beautiful dark raspberry hue) and Chianti (a wine-plum shade) with my eyes firmly fixed on the rest of the collection. They’re insanely pigmented and long lasting so, I think, they’re worth every penny.

Have you picked up any new lipsticks recently?

Helen x
