Hello! A lot of these are going to seem really obvious and you’ll have probably heard them all before, but occasionally recapping on the basics can be really helpful when it comes to beauty. So, I thought I’d share ten little beauty tips that you may find useful in your day to day routine!
One: Dark Circles Solution | Whether genetic or a product of your lifestyle, no one likes dark circles so one thing I’ve been practicing recently is layering concealer. I know some may not want to do this, but when you look like it’s the day after a heavy night permanently then you may want to consider it! I apply a thin layer of corrector, then a cream concealer then a liquid concealer. Trust me, the liquid helps set the cream and creates an extra layer of coverage, while taking away the cakey look a more creamy concealer can often give. Just (very)lightly powder over the top and you’re good to go!
Two: Your Top Coat is Everything | If there’s one thing I’m adamant on doing, it’s buying a good top coat. I always use the wonderful Seche Vite as mine as it’s transformed the most chip-prone nail polish into a glossy finish that’s lasted days and days longer than it would normally! It’s well worth doing some research and finding one that suits you and your budget, as I know it’s made an impact on my manicure!
Three: Do Things the Right Way Round | Ever get those weird red spots that aren’t quite spots on your forehead or around your hairline? I do and I know it’s my shampoo that’s causing them! Especially if you use a shampoo with SLS, you should try to wash your face after washing your hair. The other way round means you have all of that nasty stuff on your skin, which often causes those annoying little blemishes! It seems pretty obvious, but it does make a difference!
Four: Wash and Reapply | If you’ve got nothing planned for the evening, wash your makeup off as soon as you get home from work. There’s no point to it sitting there, clogging up your pores when you could take it off and make way for some wonderful skincare. My favourite thing is to cleanse my skin, do my skincare routine as usual and reapply the heaviest part of my skincare before bed (a little tip from Mrs Hirons, no less). So, if I’m using a facial oil, I’d apply a few more drops before bed as an extra treat and I often find my skin has completely absorbed the first lot when I come to do it. It’s made such a difference to my skin by doing this!
Five: Eyeliner is Very Multi-Use | Apart from adding a cat-flick to my eyes, I also use eyeliner on my eyelashes. It might sound silly, but the tops of my lashes are very light (dark blonde) so, before applying mascara, I run my pen eyeliner over the tops of my lashes, filling in any light bits that I can see. Then, when I slick on my mascara, it looks darker and more intense than having blonde bits at the top. I’ve done it for years now and it just makes my lashes look so much better!
So a few little beauty rules I stick by and have worked out well for me so far! I might turn this into a little series, so please let me know if you’d like to see more of these posts. My usual blogging tips and tricks posts will be returning soon too!
helen x | twitter | instagram | bloglovin
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