today: beauty haul and so on

01: nail polishes in – MUA U&I lovehearts collection yellow, rimmel 825 sky high (aqua), rimmel 025 strawberry fizz (bubblegum pink), rimmel 610 pompous (subtle glittery dark purple), rimmel 500 disco ball (purple/blue/silver glitter with a clear base), barry m copper, models own disco mix (red/blue/purple glitter), models own juicy jules (multi glitter with a clear base)
02: philosophy purity face wash, dr hauschka melissa day cream, boujois felt tip eyeliner in black.
i’ve become slightly obsessed with nail polish to the point where i keep buying more every time i go shopping. glitter is my current ‘thing’ and any pink or aqua/mint shades. it’s costing me a small fortune in remover though! i’m nearly out of purity face wash so i picked up some more. everyone should use this stuff, it’s really excellent. same with that dr hauschka (which i always have to double check how to spell) moisturiser. as for the eyeliner, my beloved H&M one is slowly running out and i am in love with pen eyeliners, hope this boujois one works out just as well. 
this is my nails two days ago (all nails inc polishes) and my new seafoam/mint jumper from topshop (here). 
this is my face today after going to nandos and to see the avengers with my friend. wore a patchwork shirt (here) from asos with black jeans and my pale blue acne pistol boots. matched my nails (nails inc walton st) to my lipstick (MAC girl about town).
i can’t stop eating pocky, i think it may be developing into a mental and physical dependence. you can keep your cocaine, i just need a healthy dose of strawberry or blueberry coated biscuits. 