skirt: brave soul* (here) | top: asos (here) | tights: M&S, how boring | boots: isabel marant (here) | belt: primark | necklace: H&M (similar here) | bag: D&G
hello! i am feeling rather old school with a bare midriff and wavy hair, but i think i can accept it. the top came in an ASOS delivery a little while back and it’s quite short on me ie. i feel like it barely covers my bra. i might embrace it more in summer (if it goes above 10 degrees) and i can find more suitable things to go with it. if you’ve done an outfit post with a crop top, let me know so i can steal your ideas be inspired.
i have a mountain of work to do before i go to rome and most of the time i can’t even bring myself to think about it. being motivated it one of my biggest downfalls and i’m very much a last minute person. i worked out that i have to do 10 pages of my magazine a week to be done on time (plus four essays and a week long placement), which doesn’t sound too bad but i know i’ll keep putting it off. it’s the same with youtube, i keep intending to do a video but then it ends up being a week later and i haven’t done one! think i need to get back on track with everything. i also need to change my blog layout as it’s boring me to death, but i don’t even know where to begin! argh.
anyways, i think i’m going to be introducing a lot more beauty onto the blog in the next few weeks as i’m starting a haircare, skincare and beauty series. so it’ll cover my top cleansers, hair masks, foundations etc. so hopefully it’ll go down well! i also might do a little beauty blog sale as i am a) skint and b) need to have a sort through everything.
well, sorry for the vaguely downbeat post! i’ve been a right misery recently. my boyfriend thinks i have the ‘third year blues’ as i’m finished uni this year and have no idea what to do with my life. i need a metaphorical kick up the arse, i think.
did you see my last post? i have a brand new giveaway! you can win the ice neon or fruit pastel collection from models own! click here.
ps. if you need some new blogs to read, check out bronky and livflorence! they’re both so lovely.
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