Hello! As mentioned in my previous post, a glorious three days off awaited me this weekend (well, from Friday, really) and it has, so far, been rather nice. Yesterday, as you may have gathered from my tweets, was spent sorting through the never ending black hole that is my wardrobe. I genuinely don’t think I’ve bought that many things since my last clear out, but yet it felt like I was wading through an even bigger pile than the previous time. Unless I’ve just been more ruthless this time…
Anyways, this was all brought about by that feeling of clutter. When you just want your wardrobe to be full of good quality basics that go together and create the perfect outfit every time. Achieving that, of course, is harder than first thought as a) I seem to have a weird child-like attachment to a lot of my clothes, especially the coats and b) replacing items with aforementioned ‘good quality basics’ costs money. A lot of money. Especially when my brain is filled with a lust for the likes of 7 For All Mankind jeans, Alexander Wang jersey, Acne leather and coats from Reiss. Somehow I don’t think I’ll raise enough cash for all of the above, but a blog sale will be coming shortly (either tonight or tomorrow), so I’ll keep you all updated if you want to raid my wardrobe. EDIT: blog sale is now live!
As for right now though, I shall mostly be catching up on some blogs, playing Saints Row 4 (which isn’t that good to be honest. Yes, xbox is one of my favourite pastimes) and helping my boyfriend with some blog redesigns. If you fancy getting yours done, let us know!
My twitter giveaway to win some skincare from Nuxe ends tomorrow at midnight, so get RT’ing
ps. check out these lovely blogs: rosalie jayne and the runway rose!