These were very quick and slightly moody snaps I forced my boyfriend to take before running errands in town (haul coming later!) and before it started raining! I knew it was forecast to chuck it down, so I was shoving him out the house going ‘hurry uuuup, have you seen how dark those clouds are?!’ but we managed to get stuff done in time.
I opted for a super casual outfit as these trainers are now my world. They’re so comfy, but it’s made me realise how little cream items I have in my wardorbe, as I always went for white. I tried on about five different jumpers before settling on this navy one and I actually ended up buying one that matches the shoes in the Topshop sale. I said in a previous post that I was determined to add more nude and neutral shades to my wardrobe, so let’s say that’s the beginning, shall we?
Anyway, it’s almost the start of a three day weekend – yay! I’m not 100% sure what I’m doing yet, but it’s definitely going to involve blogging, food, Mario Kart and as much pampering as I can cram in. My skin is in serious need of TLC at the moment! Have a lovely weekend, guys.
Helen x
Check out these: blogs Kerralina and Laura Hadley, and clothing store Red Lomond!