today: festive cupcakes

after talking about cakes in university today, i decided to make some when i got home. my mother and sister both decorate cakes as a hobby so the cupboards at home are always full of inspiration and handy tools. even if they still use old school brass measuring methods.
as christmas is coming up, i decided to do festive inspired cakes with holly and berries. the recipe i use is from the hummingbird bakery and i strongly recommend it for the lightest, most chocolaty cakes ever created. the leaves are made from fondant icing which is rolled flat and then cut out, it takes a few seconds to do. a lot more simple than they look, trust me.
i ended up making 18 of them and am now completely full of chocolate. i decorated some for my friends at university as we have a shorthand exam tomorrow. they’re a consolation prize as i strongly doubt i am going to pass. positive thinking at its finest, here.