Feels like ages ago that I put an outfit post up, even though it was only on the 2nd. I was trying to drag this out, as I was unsure when I’d have the chance to take some more snaps! Fingers crossed I’m getting some done today though. Aside from that, I’m filming a short 30 second piece for the North East Blogger Awards as I’m up for Best Beauty Blog – there’s a reason I quit YouTube and I’m totally feeling like that’s gonna come out. Useless on camera, me. Hopefully it’ll be ok, but failing that I’ll look like a tit in front of a crowd of people and businesses. Sigh.
This outfit was taken a little while back, as it’s certainly too cold to get my legs out now. I sort of miss summer by way of the whole actually being warm thing, but it was so crisp the other day that it made me super excited for proper Autumn to buy lots of coats. Canada Goose weather is a’coming, I can almost feel it, can’t wait to wear a coat that feels like a duvet once more.
Helen x
Check out these blogs: LeLore, A Dash Of Ginger, Agent Smyth, Abracadabra Girl and Gyudy’s Notes of Beauty!