today: floral shirts and patent black

i know everyone’s over this shirt from zara, but this is the first time i’ve worn mine since i bought it and i’m still rather infatuated. 
anyways, i needed a new pair of plain black heels so i found these ones from asos (via ebay). they only cost me £15 and they’re brand new. i wear heels quite a lot, but none this high so i’m gonna have to wear them round the house to get used to them.
i’ve been at the bf’s all weekend hence no outfit posts, or any posts for that matter. we ate lots of food, he played on dead space (which is ridiculously nerve wracking) and i took him to wagamamas today as he’d never been, which was really tasty. massively disappointed they took both the vanilla cheesecake and the lychee sorbet off the dessert menu. nevermind, ey. afterwards to went to a pub and it was full of hipsters, they’re taking over all the good places. 
i’m back at university tomorrow so i’ll be having a reasonably early night tonight, well, once i watch more bored to death and download some new songs.

hope you’s have all had a good weekend! 
