Hello! You may ask why I have a strange ghost face in the second photo and my response would be a determined ‘idunno’ with an added shrug, as I’m genuinely not sure what happened there. Very odd! Anyway, more outside photos, how lovely. It’s nice to have a different light and one that is even, instead of my legs being super bright and my face dark in my indoor photos. Though, I do still have some of those in my drafts, so they’ll have to be published at some point!
I’m a few days into my week off now and it’s been wonderful so far. The weekend was mostly spent at my best friend’s house for her engagement, which I made cupcakes for (see a photo here) and they turned out alright considering I hadn’t made any for ages and was using a new icing nozzle. Funny word that, isn’t it? Yup. Her engagement was lovely though and she looked beautiful! I’ve never been to an Asian (Bengali) ‘do’ before, so it was very different than anything I’ve experienced, but I’m looking forward to the wedding quite a lot. It’s going to be huge though, eep.
Today I’m going to take lots of beauty snaps for future posts, so feel free to suggest topics below (please do, like srsly) before hopefully seeing my boyfriend, as I haven’t for over a week!
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Check out these lovely blogs: Kim Radley and The Lipstick Mysteries!
Some of these items might have been sent to me for review purposes, see my full disclaimer here.