TODAY: The Grey Knit

jumper: Zara (alt, alt) | skirt: Primark | shoes: Daniel Footwear* (similar) | bag: Michael Kors | sunglasses: Celine*

Happy Halloween! I know, it’s rare that I wear a skirt anyway but more bizarre that I decide to shove one on when it’s nearly November. I hope my legs didn’t blind you as I forgot to put some tan on before I took these photos! Also, what is that loop in my hair doing? Jeez. So many criticisms, sorry, I’ll stop.

I was inspired by lots of lovely bloggers wearing the whole long jumper + short skirt combination so thought I’d try it out myself. I picked this jumper up last AW from Zara and it’s the most perfect wrap yourself up knit, with extra long sleeves that hang off the ends of my hands which I love. Oh and the shoes are still the most comfortable heels in my collection! They’re the only ones I can walk in without feeling like I’m gonna fall over or having to watch every step. I have a huge fear of falling down, walking at steep angles and snapping my ankles, have I ever told you? Yup. That’s a thing.

If you follow me on twitter you’ll probably have seen me complaining a lot recently due to being ill. I’m feeling much better today, as I’ve spent the last two aching, feeling exhausted, wanting to throw up and my skin literally hurt to the touch. Like flu, but without the whole can’t-physically-lift-my-head-up thing. Glad it was a 24hr-ish bug and didn’t last any longer! Yay and all that. Hope you all have a great day and I’ll stop typing.

Helen x
Check out these blogs: LeLore, A Dash Of Ginger, Agent Smyth, Abracadabra Girl and Gyudy’s Notes of Beauty!

Some of these items might have been sent to me for review purposes, see my full disclaimer here.