TODAY: Happy New Year!

Hello! As the hangover kicks in, I’m pretty certain your dashboards and bloglovin’ feeds will be full to the brim with resolution and review style posts for you to read/sigh at. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I’m not going to quite add to the already pretty diluted mix but I am going to dip my toe into the water and ramble about a few things that have happened and what may come.

The achievements I’ve seen posted on other blogs is quite overwhelming. Some of you have had an amazing year, filled with awesome opportunities which I’ll be forever envious about! My year, however, has been well… boring? Sure, I finished University but if you’ve read my blog before you’ll know how much of a waste of time I found it. I got a job, and while 50% designer clothes pleases me greatly, I’m yet to figure out a proper path for my career/life.

Blogwise, I feel like I could have achieved a bit more but overall I’m pretty pleased! I’ve managed to somehow gain 6887 combined followers on bloglovin’ and GFC, which is absolutely insane to me. I know it’s not about numbers and I didn’t have any particular goals regarding that, but it’s so nice to see the same faces (and new ones) pop up in the comments and on Twitter.

To be soppy, I do really appreciate the interaction, your comments do genuinely make my day! The blogging community does seem to have become more, how should I say it, closed(?) in the past few months as people seem to deem success (ie PR samples and event invites) as the only measure of a blog, instead of seeing how that blogger has personally developed and improved their blog and I feel like the support  (especially for ‘smaller’ blogs) has dwindled down slightly. Maybe it’s just me, but I sincerely hope this attitude changes throughout 2014 and blogging returns back to the strong community it once was!

photo: pinterest

I thought I’d put together a few little aims for the next year, just to see whether I’ll achieve them by 2015…

So, here are a few of my personal goals for 2014 (not resolutions, hate the phrase)
1 | Stop treating Millies Cookies and Krispy Kremes as ‘snacks’ – ie. start eating a little bit better.
2 | Work out what I want to do with my life and what I want from it – no biggie.
3 | Hate myself a little less – I am very self critical and it’s not good for me!
4 | Stop thinking ‘ok’ is good enough – I’m very much a ‘that will do’ person which equals substandard work.
5 | Be more positive – I am the queen of being negative about pretty much everything!

Blog goals:
1 | Improve my photography – I’ve been looking up tips and am determined to learn all my camera settings properly.
2 | Help my lovely boyfriend with his blog design site pipdig (twitter: @pipdig) as much as I can – He works so hard on it and he does make some amazing designs! The amount of hours he puts into it is insane.
3 | Be more organised – I’m usually pretty good at this but recently I’ve been pretty lax. I need to plan more posts in advance so I always have a good few extras incase I’m too busy to take photos.
4 | Spend more time reading blogs – I used to do this all of the time but being at work constantly has put this on the backburner.
5 | Create more content – I’m putting youtube on hold for a bit and am looking forward to thinking of new segments for my blog and creating new posts!

All in all, I hope you’ve had a lovely year or if not, I hope 2014 is better to you! Fingers crossed you all stick with reading my blog and that it improves over the year, bringing you better photos and more content.

Thank you all so much for reading throughout 2013!

helen x | twitter | instagram | bloglovin
