dress: topshop, here | bag: tom browns* here | shoes: zara, here | nails: topshop raid | lipstick: illamasqua scandal, here
hello! nothing i’m wearing matches but who gives a crap ‘cus it’s my birthdaaay. yayyy etc. making an effort by curling my hair and everything *brushes off shoulders*. naah, it’s not that much of a big deal. after all, i’m only 23, such a non-committal age plonked right in the middle of 21 and the glorious age of 25 which cues most people’s quarter century breakdowns.
i would like to tell you that i went somewhere amazing or to some hipster-tastic bar where no-one judges you for taking pictures of your food (i get this vibe a lot from landan bloggers), but i didn’t. i just had my insanely small family – plus the bf – round to eat a more calories than we should resulting in a cake coma. i think the bf and i will do something together, but i ain’t got a clue what. might just make him buy me a takeaway. mmm.
as for presents, i honestly don’t have much to show you! i just got money to go to helsinki with and a lovely leather jacket off the bf which i’m sure will be in an outfit post soon. on the plus side, i am going to order my michael kors bag soon, unless i can find something else. might have a browse on search the sales (they stock some lovely acne and alexander mcqueen stuff!) and see if anything catches my eye, though i’m pretty sure i want the selma tote!
ENDS TOMORROW! make sure you’ve checked out my giveaway! you can win £50 worth of space nk, topshop or asos vouchers plus a little goodie bag. click here.
ps. check out these two absolutely gorgeous blogs: georgiabeee and pretty little us!
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