First of all, you may have noticed I have used not one but two capital letters in this sentence. I know to most this may just be a sign of good grammar, but to a lowercase enthusiast like me, it’s right up there with rollercoasters in terms of out of my comfort zone. I had become to accustomed to using lowercase, mainly for aesthetic reasons, that I failed to realise (obviously) how much it was apparently annoying my boyfriend (he must mention it at least several times a week. I try to ignore him, but he just keeps going on and on and on like a nagging woman). So, this post is dedicated to him and I hope in some minor, not-really-a-big-deal-in-the-first-place sort of way it makes him eternally happy so he can quit moaning. (I do love him really… honest).
Talking of boyfriends, notice I’ve changed my layout slightly? Boredom had set in with the previous one and, since I’ve been doing research for him on behalf of his blogger layout design company, I had become inspired by other blogs to change mine. It’s still pretty minimal, but neater and a bit sharper so hopefully it’s easy to navigate. A few little things need to be added, but they’ll be done over time so I hope you all like it!
As for the outfit, the astroturf/moss coat is back and it makes me extremely happy. I adore this coat, even if it does look a bit weird. The fit and thickness of material is perfect, I wish I could have it in every colour. Talking of coats, I’ve added another coat to my seemingly never ending list (click on each one please, opinions most appreciated) yet I have no cash to buy any of them. Oh and Kurt Geiger have 20% off my beloved Acne Pistol boots, so I basically need to raise £280 immediately. Easy, right? Help.
Make sure you’ve all entered my Chanel cream blush giveaway, riiiight here.
Oh and check out my latest haul video on youtube? It’s much appreciated!
These three blogs definitely deserve a little look: cherry pie, the student wardrobe and novella afterglow!

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check out these two lovely blogs: pretty little us and hello freckles!