today: metallic silver

i haven’t really done that many posts recently due to being oh so busy at university. i still have 2 assessments, 6 exams, 1 essay and an 20 page magazine to design before the end of may.
i will probably do a few posts over the couple of few days as i’ve made a few purchases with the student loan (used for everything but books since it was invented).
today, i went shopping with my sister and we ate at a noodle bar which does the best shredded duck. after our meal we went to an asian supermarket and i bought lots of lychee juice and pocky. yum. i then went to the new boy’s house, i made him try some strange things from the supermarket, he made me steak and then we watched a movie. nice day overall.
this evening (despite it being 12:10am) i will be watching some sopranos as i literally cannot stop. hope you’re all good!