Hello! Apologies for the lack of outfit posts on my blog, the weather up North hasn’t exactly been ideal and the idea of going back to indoor pics doesn’t really appeal at the moment. Buuut, today it was sunny (and not windy for once!) so I practically leaped outside with my poor mother in tow to take some snaps.
Another apology for it being an outfit with white jeans, but they’re the first thing I’ve been reaching for in my wardrobe for the past few weeks. I love the look of white jeans with a black belt and black boots, as I’m eternally trying to channel my inner Isabel Marant and Emmanuelle Alt. Contrary to the constantly worn, this is the first time that jumper and the jacket have ever been out of my wardrobe since I bought them (months ago, so ashamed!). No idea why as they’re such great wardrobe staples and I promise to wear them constantly as light pink seems to be my favourite shade at the moment.
Sartorial musings aside, today I’m doing a whole load of blog post writing, photo editing and having a general admin catch up as I’m quite behind (as always). My lack of inspiration seems to have subsided recently, so that’s made me feel a lot happier about my blog in general, which is really good as I was having the whole ‘why do I bother?’ dilemma before! Yayy.
helen x | twitter | instagram | bloglovin
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