Hello! So, it appears that I’m wearing a dress for the first time in well, a long time. The print on this thing is lovely, like tie dye but not quite. Evil Twin call it ‘mars print’ and I think that fits pretty perfectly, don’t you? Typically, smock styles have been pushed to one side in my wardrobe in favour of even more slouchy ‘tent’ (as my mother calls them) dresses, but I feel like I’ve been slightly converted back with this one.
So, on a scale of 1-10 how gutted do you think I was when I found out I don’t actually get paid on the last Friday of every month but infact on the last actual day of every month? Coupled with the fact that a department store near where I work has a huge discount thing on at the moment (20% off Origins etc) and I am down to my last pennies. I know it’s only an extra few days, but good lord I was excited to have some dollar. I had all the tabs of things I wanted to get opened on my laptop and everything…
Anyways, I just have today’s and tomorrows shift at work to get through and I’ll have a glorious day off with my boyfriend. Guarantee we’ll just be working on blog designs all day. It’s going to be marvelous.
ps. There’s 20% off all remaining October advertising packages and my Chanel giveaway ends on Monday!

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check out these two lovely blogs: pretty little us and hello freckles!