today: red leather and grey

jacket: topshop here | jumper: topshop similar here | jeans: topshop similar here | bag: michael kors here | belt: primak | boots: isabel marant here

hello! i do hope your week has been going well so far, as mine has been aaalright and weirdly busy. on tuesday i went to frankie & benny’s followed by seeing the beautiful brad pitt (i do fancy him quite a lot. he’s one of those guys, like david beckham, who has become more attractive as he’s aged. i digress…) in world war z, which was really good! i want to watch it again, like right now. 

yesterday, i actually had some colour put through my hair. now, i’m aware that isn’t a big deal to most but it’s the first time i’ve done anything with my hair. like, ever. my hairdresser wanted her students to get their application time down, so i got a lovely balayage treatment for free and it turned out quite nicely i think. of course, i kept it subtle but hopefully you’ll be able to notice the difference in future photos, as it has added a bit of tone and definition to my hair.

as for the outfit, this is the jacket my boyfriend bought me for my birthday! my quest for a red leather biker jacket has been an extensive one of many ebay searches and returns, but this one fits the bill quite nicely. i’m fully aware it’s the same as my black one, but i’m quite partial to the style so it’s aaall good. this has been my go to type of outfit for the past few days, as jeans and marant boots are all i want to wear right now. comfy comfy.

ps. check out these two lovely blogs: srslylou and novella afterglow

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ps. check out emma’s beauty blog – glossy boutique!