Hello! It’s the weekend, woo yeah etc. In the retail world that means I’m working, but for once I don’t mind as my boyfriend is still in Germany. It’s the staff Christmas night out on Sunday too, which means going to Fat Buddha and eating all of the red thai curry and chilli tofu. It’s going to be amazing but I now have the dilemma of what to wear! I was maybe thinking this dress and heels, but as I’m not going to clubs afterwards and have to get the metro home, I may freeze and die in bare legs. My other option is getting these amazing leather Paige Denim jeans and beaded Gestuz jacket from work (my manager said I could have 50% off) just so I’m vaguely warm, but that equals cash and it’s so close to Christmas (and Boxing day sales!) that I’m not sure. Aah stress.
Aside from all of that, I have very little to report. I spent all of my day off yesterday photographing and writing up posts so I’ve got enough for the next week and a bit. It’s made me feel slightly less stressed as I have literally no idea when my next day off is!
My £100 giveaway ends tomorrow, so make sure you’ve entered!

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