I feel like I’ve worn some sort of combination of this outfit approximately ten thousand times on this blog, but what can I say, it’s just a ‘me’ kinda look. Plus, following on from Sunday’s post about weight and body image, I’m not really feelin’ my wardrobe at the moment. I just want to throw some black jeans and a leather jacket on 24/7.
I’m in this weird mood where I hate pretty much everything in my closet. Nothing seems to fit or look the way I want it to and it’s getting quite annoying. I can pretty much pick fault with every single thing I own and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m unhappy with myself right now, or if I just need to reassess my style and effectively start from scratch. I’ve got a whole wardrobe of stuff at my mums house too that I need to go through and sell, so I might do a giant blog sale some time soon if I get a chance to sort it all out!
Keepin’ today’s post short as I’m really busy at the moment which kinda sucks! I miss having endless days to blog and read other blogs. 9-5 woes.
Make sure you enter my USA beauty giveaway and my £400 Sophia Wesbter shoes competition – it ends TODAY!
Helen x
Check out these blogs: Hedonist in Hats, Life of Ellie Grace and Callie Rose.