Hello! I’m back from the oh so grey Lake District in one piece. It was quite an experience, let me tell you. We drove up on Friday afternoon, stopping at a lovely country pub for a sandwich which was really nice! The roads on the way there were so winding and some were starting to flood as they were right next to a lake, which was a little bit scary! We arrived safely though (despite me screaming most of the way there) and the inn we were staying at was really nice, all the down to the food. Always say yes to nachos!
On Saturday we went for what was supposed to be a ‘beginners’ walk, which was also referred to as a ‘stroll’. It was so, so far from either of those things. It ended up being an 11km brutal hike. We went up horrifically steep inclines where I pulled a muscle (or trapped a nerve, not quite sure) and thought I was going to die, haha, so painful! Over the tops of huge hills where the wind was so strong you couldn’t actually move or breathe. It was borderline dangerous and we probably shouldn’t have been out! I was so close to having a panic attack! Huge credit to my boyfriend for holding my hand and being so nice, even though he was also freaking out inside. Anyway, we survived and it’s made an interesting story!
We drove back in horribly rainy conditions on Sunday morning, which made me a bit anxious as some parts were really flooded and it was hard to see properly. It cleared up closer to Newcastle so that was good! We had a much needed nap when we got back, ordered a curry later on and I’ve sat and looked at blogs all day. It’s so nice to have wifi that isn’t 0.2mb!
Hope you all had a lovely weekend though! Oh, check out my skincare giveaway too, if you can.
Take a peek at these blogs too: Just Like Heaven, Pierrelecat and Ellie Loves.