Hello! Now, everyone seems to be doing Blogmas, judging from my Twitter feed, so I’ve decided to join that bandwagon and have a go at it myself. So ladies and gentlemen, my stupid face/presence will be all up in yo bloglovin’ every day from now until Christmas. …Hopefully.
As you may have noticed above, I am indeed wearing a dress and a lovely velvety one at that. Despite owning so many of them, they never seem to work their way out of my wardrobe and onto my person, so I might try to make an effort to change that. Well, once I find some tights that don’t make me want to scratch my legs off. Why are they so goddamn itchy? Or is it just me having overly sensitive skin. God knows!
I’ve got today and tomorrow off work so shall be catching up on a lot of things. I’ve been so bored of my blog recently (to the point that I have a mini breakdown/freak out to my boyfriend on sunday), so I’m going to do some research into what I can do to improve it. It just feels so samey and dull and I know I’m sort of limited in what I can do, but I will try my best to sort it out!
Check out these blogs: Pierrelecat and Just Like Heaven!

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