Hello! This post will have to remain relatively short as today is my last day (of 12 glorious days) off work so am trying desperately to get organised before going back, as I’m in for four 9hr shifts so won’t have much time to blog. I’m actually rather worried about getting more outfit posts done, as the weather has been a bit temperamental up North and, although it’s been sunny, has been extremely windy which isn’t exactly ideal for a girl with a fringe!
So today I’ll be planning posts, catching up on blogs and trying to figure out ways to incorporate those ASOS boots into pretty much every outfit ever as I adore them. Oh and window shopping, you can’t have a day off without that. Anyone fancy helping me spend an £80 John Lewis voucher?
My £150 skincare giveaway ends tonight! Get on it!
helen x | twitter | instagram | bloglovin
Check out these lovely blogs: Kim Radley and The Lipstick Mysteries!