things i like
– fashion: i’m really into layers at the moment and outfits inspired by the 70’s and 90’s rock. i’m thinking dark red suede, brown fur coats, extra tight jeans and oversized shirts half tucked in. basically alison mosshart.
– music: the album ‘el camino’ by the black keys is pretty high on my list of priorities at the moment. it’s truly excellent, i love every song. especially lonely boy, i wish i could dance half as good as this guy.
things i dislike
– people: guys who are too keen. it’s nice to be complimented and everything but some really don’t know where to draw the line.
blogs i love
– i didn’t really follow people via blogger until recently, i used to just save them as bookmarks. but i’m so glad i started because i’ve discovered some really lovely people with impeccable style.
– strutt: charlene really knows how to put an outfit together, she has an amazing dress sense.
– fashionable passion: nikki’s outfits are always so sweet and she has enviable hair.
most ridiculous thing i’ve done this week
– joined a dating website: initially this was to snoop on a friends boyfriend and do some investigating, but now it’s purely for my own amusement. some of the things people write to try and get a girlfriend is absolutely hilarious. i might start a twitter just for them as i now have 10 pages of messages containing sheer comedy gold. i strongly recommend it (but don’t meet up with anyone for your own safety please).