things i like
– music: blood orange. i had heard some of their songs in the past without knowing who they were, but after holding my phone up in H&M with the shazam app running (and looking like an idiot), i am thoroughly addicted. they’re utterly perfect. check out the video i posted here.
– beauty: i’m really into gold, bronze and copper eyeshadow at the moment. in love with MAC paintpot in idyllic, really wish i had bought a backup as it’s the most perfect copper shade.
– fashion: i go through phases where i love certain looks. be it modern clothes with lots of black and plain, block colours or more vintage styling, with warm tones, fur coats and chelsea boots. this changes on a daily basis and that’s the thing i like. no one should look the same forever and i get bored far too easily.
things i dislike
– ebay: i don’t know if it’s down to this penny-pinching time of year or everywhere putting their prices up, but i am a bit bored of thinking i’ve won a bargain on ebay only to pay the same again in postage. kinda takes the fun out of it.
blogs i love
– maja casablancas: she used to write under polkadots and vodkashots, which is where i first started reading her blog. it’s full of obscure photography collected from various sources and the author’s pretty face.
– 5inch and up: sandra always has the best shoes. and hair. that is all.
on my to do list
– clothes: i really need to start wearing more of the older things in my wardrobe, like the tops and jumpers that have been pushed to the back. i own about 30 pairs of trousers and wear about 6 of them. new years resolution in the making.
– money: i have massively overspent during my trips to manchester and birmingham, so i am definitely going to be taking my above advice!
– network: once i get a new camera in january, i would really like to do something more with the blog, so it looks more professional and maybe up my readership. remember, i am grateful to every reader i get, truly i appreciate it more than you’ll know. it’s so nice that people actually want to spend a small part of their day looking at this blog. flattering, even.