weekly wants: products i’d like to try

l-r: tickle my france-y, chocolate moose, chop-sticking to my story, russian navy, royal rajah ruby and black cherry chutney. (all available here)

a few things i’d like to try in 2012. i have loved black cherry chutney and russian navy for quite a while and never got round to buying them. might have to be included as part of my new years resolutions.

nars blush in sex appeal, deep throat or mata hari (here), sleek blush in rose gold, pomegranate or flamingo (here), YSL lipstick in le fushia or belle de rose (here), false eyelashes of any kind, sleek palette in bad girl (here).
i’ve wanted to try sleek products for what feels like an age now. i still have no idea why i haven’t, considering they’re so unbelievably cheap and apparently good quality. i only really wear false eyelashes on nights out but i’d like to introduce subtle ones to wear occasionally during the day. as for YSL and the nars blush, i’ve never used either so i think i might give them a go.

is there anything you’ve got your eyes on to try in 2012?

ps. my ebay items are ending tonight, please go and have a look, it’d make me extremely happy!
