hello! i don’t know about you, but sometimes i go on expensive, designer websites and add everything i like to the basket just to see how much it is. i probably do this more than is recommended, but it’s so lovely having a browse through pure luxury knowing the temptation to check-out (as i do too often on other websites) isn’t even an issue.
i’ve had my eye on a pashli bag since they came out and this yellow one is such a beautiful, bold shade. i nearly got my friend to bring me one back from america, as they’re a billion times cheaper over there, but thought better of it. wish i had now! the bold fabric from cedric charlier on those trousers is so nice too. i do love a good floral trouser, but much prefer darker winter hues to the bright pastels etc of summer. wrap skirts and kimono’s are big on my list of lusts and i think i now own every even slightly wrapped skirt/skort from zara right now. it’s becoming a problem! also, i need some new headphones and stumbled across these amazing ones in rose gold. unnecessary? yes. somehow justifiable if i ever came into some money? of course.
let me know what you’d love to buy if money was no object in the comments! would you go for a classic or a bold, unique piece?
ps. check out these two lovely blogs: jessica’s journal and maisy meow!