Hello! Well, would you look at that. I’ve changed my outfit background. Now, I know I’ve only moved from a door to a wall, but I have a little bit more space so hopefully posts should feel a little less samey. I know it’s only a small change, but it’s made me feel a little bit better about my blog, as I’d been feeling pretty down about it recently. I may even venture outside some day… *looks into distance*
Anyway, I’m quickly writing this before I have to go to work, so I’m afraid any form of exciting news is limited (mostly because I have no life and therefore have none). I’m going to be changing a few things on my blog soon, so hopefully my photos will be a little bit better and I’m gonna teach myself how to edit videos more too. Youtube is a slow process for me and, as much as I don’t get many views, I actually enjoy doing it. So, we’ll have to see how everything turns out…
Make sure you’ve entered my giveaway to win £100 to spend for Christmas!

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