I admit, putting this up on Pancake Day probably wasn’t the best idea. I’m already one pancake in and practically drowning in golden syrup, so I’ll be taking my own advice in this post going forward. Anyway, today I’m discussing being a little bit healthier. Yup. Not throwing green smoothies down your neck at every opportunity (though there’s nothing wrong with that) or giving someone a filthy look for going over their macros. Nope, just simple, easy little steps to up your health game.
One: Prepare Your Snacks | This is the number one place that I fall down. If I’m peckish, I’ll reach for the crisps or the mini chocolate bars or toast with nutella. It’s a bad habit that I’m trying to break and it’s worse if you work in an office with people bringing in treats! So, the best way to combat this is to be prepared. Take some snacks with you, whether it’s fruit, nuts, hell – I’ve taken guac and some crackerbread into work before. Just pick something that won’t put you in a sugar slump within half an hour and you’ll feel much better.
Two: Balance | I always think trying to eat better is a lot of give and take. There’s no point limiting absolutely everything in one go because, unless you have some awesome willpower, you’ll end up giving up and shoving 50 chocolate bars in your face. Make slightly better choices each day and you’ll do a lot better. Have two sugars in your tea? Try one and then none and you’ll forget you ever had any in the first place. Always have a chocolate bar at 11am? Have a more filling breakfast and you won’t need it. If you have a bit of a rubbishy lunch, make sure you have an extra good tea – balance it out. Oh and drink loads of water, you body will thank you for it.
Three: Exercise a Little | I hate exercising. I’ve literally never, ever stuck to a plan longer than a few weeks unless I have someone helping me. That’s just the way I am, I guess! But, the one thing I do enjoy is yoga. Having a properly good stretch is good for your mind as well as your body, and while I’m not telling you all to become yoga addicts, I’m saying find something you enjoy. Failing that, try and move a bit more each day. Take the stairs (if you can) instead of the lift, walk to the shop instead of being lazy and taking the car, shove a few squats into your routine when you’re cleaning the house. It all adds up.
Four: Learn to Cook | I know a lot of you probably don’t have time or don’t know where to begin, but buying a few simple cookbooks is the best way to start. I adore Get the Glow (this book totally changed my outlook) and the Hairy Bikers Diet Guides, plus websites like the healthy section of BBC GoodFood website. I’ve made so many recipes off there and the Quick and Healthy section means everything is done in 30mins or less. A lot of them are so, so easy too meaning you can get some good, wholesome food in your belly and you don’t have to buy any crazy ingredients for it.
Five: Educate Yourself | I think a lot of people, including myself, fall down with diet and exercise because we have absolutely no idea where to begin. We don’t know what to eat, how much of it to eat, what we’re supposed to be counting or what exercise will actually help. Ignore the Instagram ‘fitness guru’s’ and go straight for people who know what they’re talking about. I adore Carly Rowena (dem abs!) for her straight to the point videos and blog posts for this. But, if you want advice first hand, book a training session with a PT. They don’t have to cost a lot (£25 ish?) and they can give you all of the info you need to get you started so you don’t feel totally clueless – 100% worth doing!
What do you do to be a little bit healthier?
Helen x
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