coat: zara (similar here) / jumper (similar here) and jeans (here): topshop / boots: acne / bag: celine / necklace: ebay (similar here)
yet another item i own that seems to be a different colour on photos. i find these boots much more pale and complimentary to that light grey jumper in real life. nevermind ey!
so, my presentation went awfully yesterday. despite feeling rather calm and somewhat collected, as soon as i stood up i morphed into some bumbling wreck who couldn’t get her words out. just don’t think i’m very good at the whole standing up and talking infront of people thing.
i still haven’t caught up on my sleep after getting back from marrakech at 3:30am on sunday, so i’m utterly exhausted! woke up at 7am with the full intention of going to uni, but just couldn’t force myself to leave the house, despite putting a full face of slap on. but, as i have a dreaded contact lens appointment (cue me apparently crying my eyes out when she shines the bright light in my direction, photophobia sucks), i’m dragging myself into the cold.
though, the redeeming factor (apart from treating myself to the biggest caramel hot chocolate) is that i get to buy things for my lovely secret santa partner ayden, who runs the little blog of horrors. she’s the prettiest little thing, with the best tattoos (jealous? YES) and takes the most beautiful photos! after looking *coughstalkingcough* her blog since before i went to morocco, i can’t actually believe i wasn’t already following her. i’m quite excited to pick some things out now, but as moneysupermarket has only given us a budget of £25, i can’t go overboard like i probably would have. sigh, i like shopping for other people far too much so i hope the presents i pick will be super amazing and awesome and lots of other positive words.
are any of you taking part in the blogger secret santa?
ps. if you want a lovely xmas present for someone, you should check out four beautiful keys for some amazing jewellery! also, take a look at the adorable amanda from blondies blogging’s latest post too :)
pps. have a look a kirsti’s blog silent sweethearts, she’s absolutely lovely and deserves every little follow she gets!
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