today: yellow and blue

todays outfit: jeans, coat and shirt from topshop
things that went wrong today:
– i woke up at the wrong time and was an hour late for university
– the woman at the library nearly refused to let me have books to do my essay with until i pleaded
– it was unbelievably windy (hence no actual pictures, i look a state) and i got blown all over the place
– as i was heading home the metro was suspended so i had to persuade my dad to come and pick me up
– aaand, i’m not going to be able to see the boyfriend until late next week because we both have uni work

so, to cheer myself up, i’ve painted my nails bright yellow and i’m watch movies featuring the beautiful angelina jolie. i’ll start on my 3000 words that i have to write for next week in the morning, if i can drag myself away from my bed

what’ve you done today?