Ways to Feel Good When You Work at Home | AD


Feel Good at Home

I wanted to put the post together as I know it can be a bit of a struggle when you both work at home and like to chill out in the same place. I don't have an office (yet) in our flat, so unless I commandeer Phil's room (which I don't like to do, as it's a mess) I tend to work on the sofa. Now, this isn't always ideal, as when he comes home from his office, I tend to stay in exactly the same space while we're catching up on Game or Thrones or firing up the xbox.

So, the babes at Feel Good Drinks recently launched their #FeelGoodSummer campaign and it got me thinking: what makes me feel good when I've been working all day? How do I make my working day better and more productive, so I can separate my work from time I should spend relaxing?

So, in today's post I'm going to go through what I do to be productive and also have some time to chill!


Designate your time


Just like working in an office and having a set time to work, it's good to sort your tasks out into blocks of time or figure out your working day. Working for yourself is always a bit of a struggle, as you always want to do a bit extra but sometimes that's a detriment to your working day. Set yourself a timeframe and get your work done in that time, so when 5pm, 6pm (or whenever you want to relax by) rolls around, you can shut your laptop and forget about your work for a while.




Snacks and Drinks


One thing that gets me through the working day is having a good amount of food and drink on hand. If I don't, then I tend to wander to the sweet cupboard and snack on Milky Ways, then my work never gets done on time.

I try to look up a few recipes at the start of the week and plan out what I'm going to eat. I tend to go for porridge for breakfast as it's nutritious and filling, then I'll opt for pasta, soup or something like avocado toast or a scrambled egg bagel for lunch. It also helps to have your evening meal planned out, as you'll be less likely to get distracted by wondering what to cook.

For drinks, I always have about a million cups of tea, but recently I've been opting for the Feel Good Drinks Infusions. I am obsessed with both the apple and rose and the lemon and elderflower combinations - they both taste amazing. What I love about these drinks is that they're just water, fruit and natural flavours. Oh and that's 100% natural flavour by the way, no added sugar and, in my opinion, the perfect way to stay hydrated. I always forget to drink water, so these have been the ideal option for me, as they have a great flavour and it makes me want to drink more during the day!

You can check out more about their #FeelGoodSummer campaign on their website, but they do definitely make me #FeelGood during the day and they're the ideal working-day treat.


How I Relax


Now, as I sit on the sofa pretty much all day and stare at the same four walls, I try to focus my brain on something different on an evening. I try not to watch the tv during the day and just listen to music while I'm working, as it makes me more productive and also keeps the tv as more of an evening event.

I'll also usually continue my Feel Good Drinks addiction and pour myself a little glass to chill with. I'm not a wine-on-an-evening kinda gal, so this is the perfect treat for me. I love their orange and mango flavour from the main range!

I love lighting a candle at around 6pm too - especially as Autumn is creeping in, bring on the cinnamon scents - as it very much signals it's time to chill. Phil tends to come home at around 8pm, so I try to finish my work for 7pm ish, so between 7-8  is usually time I have to myself. So, I'll try and get tea done for him coming home (as I'm the designated cook, but only because he's terrible at it, sorry bbz) but the rest of the time is mine, as I usually do meals that take under 30 minutes. I love putting the lamps on, tidying the livingroom so it's a peaceful space and just do whatever I want to do. Whether this is half an hour of reading, catching up on Instagram or cramming in an episode of whatever J-Drama I'm watching before I get asked a million questions by him because he never understands what's going on.

So, when he's back and if I'm not catching up on tv shows, I try to read a book or find something house-related to focus on. I'm determined to finish our place as soon as possible, so I'll spend my evenings looking up lamps and throws and nice mirrors to decorate with. I want it to be a nice space to work in and also for him to come home to, as he works damn hard.


So, that's usually how I structure my day. I promise that organising your food and drinks (hey Feel Good Drinks) is the best thing you can do to have a productive day and, therefore, a more relaxing evening. Getting your work done so you know you can switch your brain off a bit is key to happiness, I swear! Some nice drinks to help you along the way is just an added bonus... What do you do to have a good working day? 

Helen x

This post is in collaboration with Feel Good Drinks (I buy their drinks all of the time!)