Mothers Day may be just under two weeks away, but thinking of gifts early is never a bad thing! I like Mothers Day, as it's a chance to say thanks you mum if she's awesome and appreciate all of the things she's done for you. I've teamed up with Getting Personal on this post and their new campaign #MadeByMum which you can hear more about in their video below.
I love my mum a lot (awwww) and she helps me out all of the time. Whether it's a phone call with me asking how to cook something or all of the help she's given me decorating the flat, she's always there. My mum has taught me a crap load of things over the years, so I thought I would share some of those today.
If a job is worth doing, it's worth doing properly | My mum is a big advocate of doing something properly once so you never have to do it again. She's definitely instilled this into me when it comes to the flat, which is maybe why it's taking a little bit longer, but I'm ok with that! It's a great work ethic to have and one I'll continue to use.
It's not a secret once you tell someone | People are always keen to share absolutely everything with everyone, but it's always nice to keep some things back. Once you tell one person, it's not a secret anymore and you could regret it!
Be yourself | I was really into the goth subculture as a teen and went more towards the Victorian side of things (think: velvet, corsets, floor length clothes) which some people obviously find a little bit strange. My mum, although my parents were quite strict when I was a teenager in terms of what I could do/who I could see, always encouraged me to be myself. The old ladies staring in M&S used to make her laugh, too. That confidence I had (with encouragement from my mum) to wear what I want definitely had a positive impact on my current view of clothes. Even though my outfits don't stand out as much as they used to, I still think clothes are fun and aren't too bothered what people think!
Along with all of the above, my mum taught me so much about cooking and baking which is one of my favourite hobbies. I'm not the most particularly domestic person, but she's taught me everything I need to know about running a house and keeping my sanity while doing it. I definitely get my love of reading, writing and my creativity from her too, which is a huge part of my life and career, so I'm super grateful!
I love these little personalised gifts from Getting Personal as they ring very true to my relationship with my mum. She's had such a big impact on my life and it's something I appreciate a lot.
Check out the #MadeByMum campaign below!
Helen x